The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) helps people with disabilities or health conditions start businesses in the City of Winnipeg.
Click here to visit EDP's website.
If you are planning to start a business or already have a business, we can help. We can meet with you to discuss your business needs. Some of the services EDP provides include:
* Assisting in developing business plans,
* Providing business advisory services, organizing training workshops delivered both in group settings and intensive one on one interaction,
* Providing marketing assistance,
* Encouraging people in the program to apply for higher business education courses;
* And giving them a directory of relevant resources and contacts in the community
We are available for up to three years of mentoring and guidance. Our main job is to support the people in our program, provide them with feedback and encourage creative thinking.
Equal Opportunities West can also assist in sourcing business loans.
Please call 204-962-8048 for more information, email us at, follow the EDP social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and stay tuned for our brand new webpage and future events and programs.